
Recycling & Disposal Services

The Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station provides sorting, recycling, and marketing services for recyclable materials collected in Fremont. In addition, the solid waste collected in the cities of Fremont, Newark, and Union City is consolidated at our facility and shipped to the landfill.

Single Stream Recycling - Fremont

Our state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility (MFR pronounced MuRF) has been processing the single stream recyclables collected from Fremont residents since 2006.

Let's keep Fremont green by keeping our recyclables clean. Please keep the following items out of your recycling cart:

  1. Film plastic
  2. Textiles, bedding, and stuffed animals
  3. Sandals, shoes and other footwear
  4. Diapers (No more soiled baby diapers, please!)
  5. Garden hoses and irrigation parts

Business or Commercial Recycling

Commercial recyclabes collected from businesses throughout the greater Bay Area are delivered to our facility for sorting. Commodities such as aluminum, paper, and cardboard are baled and shipped to facilities where it is transformed into new products

Solid Waste Transfer

The municipal solid waste collected from homes and businesses throughout the Tri-Cities is delivered to our transfer station where it is consolidated into our large volume, possum belly trailers. By consolidating the waste, Fremont Recycling & Transfer reduces the number of vehicle on our already congested freeways.

Schedule a Tour

Have you every wondered where all of the recyclables go after it is collected from your recycling cart?


Facility Fun Facts

150,000 tons

Tons of cardboard recovered since 2006

3,125,000 tons

Tons of solid waste managed at the facility since 2007

1,150,000 tons

The number of tons diverted from the landfill since 2007

5,000,000+ kWh

The number kilowatt hours of power generated by our solar panels


For more information please call our office at 510-252-0500

About Us

The Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station provides residential and commercial recycling, solid waste disposal, and hazardous waste management service to the Tri-Cities community

Our facility is open to all members of the public as a one-stop location to recycle unwanted items, disposal services for non-recyclable waste, and for the safe management of common household hazardous waste.

Questions - Contact Us

The Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station administration offices can be reached by telephone Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 5:00pm by calling 510-252-0500.


Please be advised that our offices are not open to public access due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please call us with your questions.

BLT Enterprises

The Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station is owned and operated by BLT Enterprises

As developer, owner and operator of Material Recovery Facilities and Transfer Stations throughout California, BLT's team has processed and/or recycled in excess of 11,000 tons of waste per day in Los Angeles, Burbank, Fremont, Oxnard, and Sacramento.

© 2020 BLT Enterprises
Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station